Saturday, December 29, 2007

Last Few Vignettes for 2007

I chose to end 2007 by uncluttering our "foxhole". You see, my firm, InAsia, has been running (base on the pace that I want) for almost seven years now. I have never been fulfilled despite the fact that I sometimes miss the perks given to a senior executive every Christmastime. Today, I am no longer an eager executive who would leave the country (actually to recharge) before or after the holiday hullabaloo, but an employer who must secure the 13th month pay, gifts, and bonuses of my lean staff.

I am writing this entry from my office amidst tons of papers and "to-do-list" since my team reported today for our annual office clean up. It feels good to unload (literally and figuratively) of the numerous items we accumulated all these years. And while, checking some of my old files, I came across this notebook of mine where I scribbled a couple of "literary attempts".

This year, I attended a writing workshop (Joy of Writing) conducted by Tweetums Gonzales, and while I did not finish the course ( I only attended three sessions) because of my crazy schedule, I got so interested in creative writing. I never realized that I have already accumulated some materials and I want to share them with you.

I am not an expert in writing but I certainly find joy in expressing my thoughts. I hope I make sense here.


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